
piątek, 8 marca 2024


/ poniżej wersja polska /


We are proud of Donald Tusk,

that he restored the rule of law in Poland!

/ Ursula von der Leyen /


First of all, the latest CBOS election poll, a truly governmental one at last, where 82 percent of respondents declared to take part in the elections:

PO – 29, PiS – 23, 3DROGA – 12, KONFEDERACJA – 11, NEW LEFT – 9.

That is, 50 percent of Poles want the government of the 8-Star Coalition, fuel at PLN 8, VAT rates on food at 5 percent from April 1, increases in gas and electricity prices by 80 percent from July 1, full acceptance of the Green Deal immediately and millions of Muslim refugees. next year!

And on Women's Day, the Platform, still called Civic for fun, presented Polish women with an Electoral Convention, which can be summed up briefly - the Witches' Sabbath led by the Devil!

There was a lot of talk about the beautiful, smiling democracy that awaits us under Tusk et consortes, and where its guarantees are the "morning after" pill for 15-year-olds and the right to "abortion on demand" up to the 12th week of pregnancy (coalition partners - don't jump! ) – and this herd of peasant lemmings will surely lead to euphoria! But - why, after all, the enlightened French nation has just introduced the right to abortion up to the 14th week into its Constitution - aren't you ashamed of it?

And what this smiling democracy really looks like could be seen during Wednesday's demonstration of Polish farmers in Warsaw.

There were about a hundred thousand of them there (together with those who parked their tractors in the Warsaw suburbs - because Dupiarz forbade it?), they behaved extremely dignified (maybe too dignified?), but the Tusk police had no doubts - this abomination should be "taken as face", thrown on the ground, kicked, cuffed and locked up - are they trying to jump on us?

And this morning, before seven o'clock, while driving (I only turn on TOK FM sometimes!), I heard a "docent" from a large university (she looks and sounds like a street vendor!) who brazenly suggested - those units who threw paving stones at the Polish police , these were probably Solidarity activists who joined the protest without the farmers' consent!

You can?

You can!

And the fact that the films show police officers throwing dice into the crowd of demonstrators is nothing - it's impossible!

And this is the same police who carried the demonstrators (see Frasyniuk) in their arms, and when a scoundrel like "babciakasialempart" spit on them, poked them, called them whores and told them to get the fuck out, they stood like a herd of sheep! And on TVN24 I heard the chairman of the police union (a certain Jankowski?), who has been "under the guise" over the last few years, and now he supported the police's actions and added from himself - I believe that the situation allowed the use of smoothbore weapons!

And the police used such a weapon to shoot at the miners during the "first tusk", and as for the weapon - there is a very interesting image when a paramedic in a red suit approaches farmers attacked by the police, with a gun and handcuffs hanging on his belt - it is a new "smiling" version of the Tusk rescuer?

But Tusk added seriously - there were none of these, I saw some photos from 20 or 5 years ago, now I will talk to farmers, not bandits!

You can laugh, you can cry, it depends on who likes what, but the situation is not happy. Tusk's camarilla beats the Polish rule of law like a Russian drum, half of "Poles" are in ecstasy close to orgasm, and the "democratic and law-abiding" European Union, not only with the words of "Beautiful Ursula" (see the motto!), praises it to the skies, behaving like these three monkeys - I don't see, I don't hear, I don't feel!

And yet the matter is simple - if this EU Green Deal comes into force, not only us, but the whole of Europe will be "fucked"!

Both the EU and Polish "useful idiots" have recently limited this "green deal" to agriculture (the EU commissioner for agriculture, PiS member Wojciechowski, tried to explain it, but - dear sir, these explanations should have been heard loudly 5 years ago!), which is complete nonsense. – all these crop rotations, fallow lands, taxes and expenses are just a small part of this "green EU crap"!

Because there is much more there - a ban on using combustion cars (it's only 10 years!), you will be able to buy clothes 3 pieces a year max, cities will be "15 minutes", foreign travel once every 3 years (fewer planes!), a ban on eating meat , milk and fish, worms for all kinds of meals - everyone knows this and it doesn't offend anyone - but it's not the only thing that comes here!

There is also the liquidation of European agriculture, the closure of coal mines, the ban on gas heating, nuclear power is bad and the tax on "CO2 emissions" is good, and the EU certificate for all houses - for Poland alone it is tens of billions!

And it must be said clearly that all these EU idiocies about limiting "CO2 emissions" to 55 or 90 percent (apart from the fact that there is no life without CO2!), and especially the ultimate goal - "zero emission", is the lie of the millennium - because "zero emission " is (today or tomorrow), simply impossible!

And a few percent of Europe's share in this is madness - Chinese coal mines alone emit more of this "criminal CO2" in a week than Europe does in a year!

And when we add the millions of Muslim refugees who will flood Europe in the coming years, see the EU commissioner from Sweden - it must be over 4 million a year - then we can actually ask calmly - is there a pilot coming with us? Unfortunately, it's gone, but "the leftist sucks" - the next elections to the European Parliament may change this, but - if in the last elections the inhabitants of Poznań chose the communist Miller, the sick Spurek or the "digging a meter deep" in Smolensk Kopacz, what can we expect in June ?

Fortunately, Jaruzelski and Kiszczak "are already in heaven" (?), because they would definitely win in Poznań, but - who knows who the 8 Star Coalition will field here? One thing is certain - what last son of a bitch wouldn't run here on behalf of the Platform or the Left, his mandate is guaranteed!

And the Greater Poland Uprising and those from Poznań in 1956 are turning in their graves - what happened to our Poznań?

A word to our American brothers - Biden wins among the Democrats, Trump among the Republicans (even the US Supreme Court ruled that Trump cannot be banned from running in the elections - the courts still operate there?), and it only depends on you (with the right advantage, even democratic miracles will happen again at the ballot box won't help!), who will win - and today it is clear that only Trump's victory can save the USA and the world - are you ready for that?

We are returning to Poland - the nasty "tusk-sienkiewicz-bodnar" arrangement has demolished the Polish rule of law to the ground (Polish television, Polish judiciary, Polish prosecutor's office), and now it is moving on - Polish Constitutional Tribunal, Polish Orlen, Polish NBP - I wonder when and where this anti-Polish will the swołocz stop?

And we know that it will not stop - see the draft parliamentary resolution on this - I wonder whether for "Poles" the parliamentary resolutions will still be above statutes and the law?

It should be feared that this is the case - because the election slogan of the 8-Star Coalition is "fuck piss", still for "voters from Jagodno" (60,000 tax-free, dormitory for PLN 1, zero housing loan, reduced health insurance premium, double pension increase / parents !/, reliefs for entrepreneurs - do you feel it?), is still "alive and in force"!

I wonder when Poland will wake up?

The motto is probably clear, but the title?

This is another leftist humbug - because for the left, isn't a woman a human being? You can write, write and write – but how much can you write?

See you.


Bulletin, PiS, PO, Tusk, Biden, Trump, EU, EC, Ursula von, Women's Day, Jagodno, CBOS, Muslim refugees, European caliphate, witches' sabbath, elections.


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