
czwartek, 11 kwietnia 2024



Act properly

And you will

be on the plus side,

Blogger blocked me

And he had to withdraw!

/ neighbor-poet /

I just got a notification - "we have re-evaluated your blog against the Blogger Community Guidelines and the blog has been restored, we appreciate your understanding, best regards!" Thank you very much, it turns out that the leftist idiocy of denunciation can be tamed!

Due to family reasons, I have to leave suddenly, but I promise that the next Bulletin will be published in a few days!

Briefly for today - I recommend to all those who deny PiS's victory in the last elections - 239 seats in the elections to provincial assemblies (PO 210!) or county councils (PiS 30 percent, PO 16!), to take sedatives - this is PiS's result simply a miracle, and it is not a "miracle at the ballot box" - if it were not for these "local government shenanigans", PiS would easily have had over 40 percent in these elections!

Pizza in Jagodno was withdrawn, there was no voting for a few hours after the election was announced, and there was no "tourist" voting (in local government elections you cannot vote outside your place of residence!) and it turned out as it turned out - most young people and women voted for PiS!

This doesn't mean that PiS should give up - finally, damn it, take care of the voters from "big cities" - it's not a "mission impossible" at all!

Poles for whom Poland is important also live in the so-called "big cities", not only "modern Europeans", for whom being the 15th German state is the ultimate dream - show them!

It's not easy (the biggest liar of modern Poland, Donald Tusk, knows it well and uses it every day!), but still - you have to do it!

And how?

Write to me and I will tell you!

To my American brothers - I greet the candidate Donald Trump and I hope that you will not disappoint him in his election once again!

The EP once again voted for the Migration Pact (in two years at most, "Muslim refugees" will flood Europe!), Tusk and EPP delegates created and supported it, and Tusk claims that we will be against it - do we need to explain anything here?

I have to go.

Greetings from Poland!

See you.

Tags: Bulletin, American Brothers, PiS, PO, miracles, EC, EP, Muslim refugees, Blogger, elections.

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