
piątek, 16 sierpnia 2024


/ poniżej wersja polska /


"Panem et circenses"!

/ ancient Rome /


And now the Paris games are behind us!

Surprisingly, in the end we were not treated to another abomination, and even the Cross flashed by twice, but let's not be too happy - one swallow does not make a spring!

Ten medals (1+4+5) were declared a national disaster, but let's not exaggerate, Finland did not win a single medal and the great India 6 (0+1+5) and somehow they are alive!

France and Great Britain won over 60 medals each and are happy that they are so colorful, but what will happen when the Muslim minority there wins the elections and introduces Sharia law?

Local athletes will be straightened out, female athletes will be cured, and only men's camel and horse races will remain, and only the Arabian ones!

Donald Tusk smelled the letter with his nose and announced - Poland will organize the Olympic Games, somewhere in 2040 or 2044!

And we have the so-called consternation, because when about half a year ago President Andrzej Duda threw out a similar idea, there was no end to the laughter and insults - what to say now?

They will surely get out of this somehow, because this is the norm – the fence on the border under PiS was crap, now it's OK, the parade on the Polish Armed Forces Day under PiS was idiocy, now it's wonderful, sleeping fish in the Oder were "PiS horror and mercury", today it's normal, and the fish are smiling, before we spat on the Polish uniform, called soldiers murderers and made nasty films, and now we call them heroes, patriots and assure them of our support (by the way – the Bodnar prosecutor's office is still persecuting soldiers!) - Tusk has already taught Poles that it is enough to lie in the morning, at noon and in the evening, and everything will be OK!

And Tusk added modestly – I will not run in the presidential elections, I am not interested in it!

Let us recall that he once said – being the Polish prime minister is an honour, I am not going to Europe – and a moment later he was already sitting on his suitcases!

A word to PiS – the presidential elections are “just around the corner”, if you don’t wake up, your candidate will have to be Prime Minister Morawiecki – I’m not saying he won’t have a chance, but?

And the polls still show that PO is ahead of PiS!

It’s hard to explain it rationally without offending the Poles.

I’m writing this while watching our Iga’s next match, I hope there won’t be a Ukrainian horror today!

A word to our American brothers – stay alert, Kamala and her Democrats will stop at nothing, Donald Trump has to win, otherwise not only America will suffocate! Another embarrassment of the “Polish salon” has recently come to light, i.e. hostile media, celebrities and politicians, including EU ones and similar crap – Spanish journalist Pablo Gonzales!

This guy was a star in these salons, organizing hot "private parties" (a communist term, but so appropriate) in his Warsaw apartment, where the hostess was a "Polish journalist Ch"), an invitation to which was an honor for these useful idiots!

And when a few years ago Kamiński's ABW arrested this guy on charges of espionage for Russia (Pawel Rubtsov!), the salon went into spasms (GW-no – embarrassment of Poland!), and the EU listed him as one of the reasons (persecution of independent journalists!) for withholding PKW payments for Poland!

And during the last "exchange of prisoners", the criminal Putin personally hugged this GRU agent at the Moscow airport!

It should be added that the "Polish journalist" arrested together with him was charged with aiding and abetting, which did not prevent her from actively operating in the "free media" sphere, moving freely around the Polish Sejm and even taking part in the forceful takeover of TVP by the "Bodnar gang"!

Well, such are the standards in "Tusk's Poland", and the government's Russian commission for Russian affairs will certainly raise them a few notches!

Fortunately, there was no horror - 6:2, 6:2 for Iga!

It's hot, I don't feel like writing, but what wouldn't you do for the Fatherland?

The motto is probably clear - "bread and circuses", known for several thousand years, historian Tusk has certainly heard about it too - and he uses it "until the end"!

And the title - yes, the Paris games are behind us, but Tusk's are just getting started - God save Poland!

See you.


Bulletin, GRU agent, American Brothers, USA, PiS, PO, Tusk, Olympic Games, Muslims, presidential elections.

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