
wtorek, 14 maja 2024


/  poniżej wersja polska  / 


There once was Europe,

Rich and happy.

Open your eyes,

It's just washing off!

/ neighbor-poet /


I will write a few words because I have to go away again for a few days.

And so it happened - the Council of the European Union, through its ministers of finance and economy, approved the migration pact! (By the way, they approved the Green Deal in the same way in December!) Hungary, Slovakia and Poland were against, but since the majority package was used (incompatible with the EU Treaties!), it did not matter - the others voted for the pact!

Here we can recall another recent lie by Tusk - whoever votes together with Hungary and Slovakia now is a "Russian agent" - because if they voted together today, Tusk was lying?

The adopted migration pact contains 10 legislative texts that were accepted by the European Parliament on April 9 - today's vote therefore ends the legislative process of the pact!

I don't want to discuss the whole thing here (it will come out soon!), but it is worth mentioning one, perversely called "obligatory solidarity" (oxymoron of the century!), i.e. forced relocation - each European country will have to obligatorily accept a certain number of refugees, and in If he refuses, he will pay a fine of EUR 20,000 for each person not accepted!

And in small letters (see contracts with the bank!), it is added there - if the European Commission decides that the situation is "extraordinary", there will be no penalty fees - you have to take it!

To be clear - in Africa and Asia, there are already hundreds of millions of such "migrants" in the starting blocks, and stories like "there will be 2 or 3 thousand" are stories for idiots - the EU Commissioner for Refugees herself, "Ylwa from Scandinavia", says – we need over 4 million refugees a year!

And probably every normal "European" can imagine what our Europe will look like when it is "reinforced" by even 100 million "poor refugees"?

And this is a matter of the next few years, which will be greatly facilitated by the adoption of the "migration pact" - after all, we must accept them - so get to work, poor refugees, the slogan is there!

And their impudent, subsidized by the EU leftism (Soros!) and the German government "carriers" - this is actually happening!

Here's a word to my American brothers - your "highest caste" is still brazenly and illegally bashing Trump, millions of "refugees" are entering at your southern border at will - how long will you pretend that you don't see anything?

And today I hear Prime Minister Donald Tusk - the migration pact poses no threat to Poland! And he tells amazing stories - we accepted hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians (did they flee to us during Tusk's rule?), the "fence on the eastern border" needs to be strengthened (they built it under Tusk?), it's a hybrid war between Putin and Lukashenko (did it start under Tusk?), and The EU will pay for all this!

And since he said earlier - Poland will have to pay for refusing to accept migrants, these are the rules in the EU, his Platform voted in the Sejm against the construction of the dam, and he himself ridiculed the intention to build it (such a contemptuous campaign, they will still run electricity there, and yet its they won't build it!), adding - these are poor people who need help - it's an unimportant detail! But this is not enough for Tusk - we must establish a special commission to investigate "Russian influence" in Poland!

And the first decision of his government was to dismiss all members of just such a "PiS" commission - it was not possible to dismiss it legally (Sienkiewicz was not active at that time?), so there is a commission, only there are no members - I wonder what members, if any remembers this, will Tusk appoint?

It seems that these are the very ones whom the "PiS" committee deemed unworthy of representing Poland!

And what the "Polish" policy of the Tusk gang is, is proven by its actions "here and now" - the farmers protesting in the Sejm are not farmers, the victims of the Warsaw fire are not our problem (Asshole - we will arrange a special window for them in the "intermediary"!), something like that "protective shields" for citizens (or entrepreneurs) are idiotic, we will take care of the poorest (energy voucher - it will only cover those earning below the minimum!), because from July 1, the price freezing in its current form will not be continued - which will result in one thing - a price increase energy, and therefore - fuels, electricity, gas, water, hot water, sewage (to sum up - rents!), and in general it is as clear as day - Pole, you chose us, so fuck off, and now deal with it yourself!

The same Donald Tusk is to promote a certain Radek "Zdradek" Sikorski (his wife's husband!) for the position of EC commissioner "for defence", which will be a "nail in the coffin" for Poland - this guy recently talked about Russia joining NATO, on instructions for Lavrov invited Polish ambassadors, and he famously commented on the failure of the Russian-German pipeline in the Baltic Sea - thanks, USA! Let me repeat - has anyone checked his "studies at Oxford or his mission in Afghanistan"? It can be added that during Maidan he told the Ukrainians - you must sign, otherwise you will die, and in Berlin he delivered the shameful "Prussian tribute" - I am beginning to fear German power less than German inaction, Germany has become an indispensable nation in Europe, you cannot afford to fail in leadership!

Does anything need to be added to this?

Maybe it's the fact that Merkel, Scholz and Putin (to name the most important ones!) met in the GDR at congresses of German communists?

Maybe it's because Tusk's first party, the KLD, lived on millions of German marks in advertising bags?

The matter is clear - today we are building a "German Europe", where the remaining countries (maybe apart from France, which still hopes to be a "partner" - see Vichy!) will play the role of "German states" (the latter for Poland!), and in the longer term, we have the dream of many European communists (see, for example, the "Polish" Rosa Luxemburg, or Lenin!), of building a great state of "all freedom and happiness", from Kamchatka to Lisbon!

The worst thing about all this is that these are not "balls like berets", but the sad truth! But every Pole also has a brain, the most complicated and best machine in history - isn't it "high time" to use it?

And I'm talking to all Poles, to "those from Jagodno" who preferred pizza to freedom, too!

Enough for today.

See you.


Bulletin, Poland, USA, EU, EC, EP, Lenin, Jagodno, American brothers, migration pact, Tusk, Sikorski, Europe has fallen, farmers.

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