
czwartek, 18 lipca 2024

 B.N. 24/24. EU – BE AFRAID!

/ poniżej wersja polska /


The Sabbath is working,

Ursula, Roberta, Donek,

When it falls

Our EU house?

/ neighbor-poet /


Today is not Friday, but Thursday - but I have to leave tomorrow!

Similarly, it is enough to put 15 Law and Justice MPs in custody so that the December 13 Coalition can overturn the presidential veto, which would give it full power. In my opinion, not really, because a qualified majority of 276 votes is needed, but can this be an obstacle for the coalition of evil that applies the law "as we understand it?"

And today they are going like a storm, multiplying imaginary crimes of PiS MPs (I have already written about MS, they accuse Błaszczak of revealing the secret about Poland's defense on the Vistula line!), and the fact that they gave up on Romanowski's European immunity is just an "accident work" - who will guarantee that in the second instance the "Polish court" will not come to its senses and lock up the guest again?

By the way - a few years ago, the Polish Sejm passed a resolution almost unanimously (PO was in favor!) that the same European immunity of the Ukrainian MP Savchenko, detained by the Russians, is inviolable - and it does not defend a PiS Pole?

And to all those who shout loudly that you can appeal, that an innocent person does not have to be afraid of (Giertych!), let me tell you this - imagine that you were arrested, you appealed and after a year, you got kicked out along the way - does that fit? And I'll add to the lemmings - if this is to be the case, why didn't Giertych (we worked on it for several hundred hours?), or several PO senators who have long faced prosecutorial charges (Gawłowski, Kwiatkowski, Grodzki and probably someone else?), waive their immunities, so that justice can be served?

As I have already written here, despite the optimistic news about the "return of right-wing values", nothing has changed in the EU - Roberta Metsola from Malta became the head of the Parliament, and Ursula von der Leyen from Germany became the head of the European Commission - both again!

By the way - if the rightists united there, they would be a great force - are they waiting for applause?

While Roberta, although a leftist, cannot do too much harm to Europe, the situation with Ursula is completely different!

Of course, she said that "we need to increase border defense", "Europe is decarbonizing and industrializing at the same time", "creating a common defense market", "I will not allow demagogues and extremists to destroy our way of life", "we will end our dependence on Russian raw materials" and similar leftist idiocy (not a word about bad immigration!), the important thing is - we need to change the European Treaties to improve Europe, and the EU's climate goals (90 percent by 2040!) must be maintained!

And when she added that she would fight the EU bureaucracy (one hundred thousand officials!), one didn't know whether to laugh or cry - at least for EUR 31,000 a month (plus the same amount of allowances, a total of PLN 300,000!) You can't talk about such nonsense!

Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik from Konfederacja had a great speech: You are the face of the migration pact, the European Green Deal, all the EU's climate villainy, you are responsible for every rape, for every tragedy caused by the influx of illegal immigrants - you should go to prison for what you are doing, not to the European Commission! We want a Europe of free, sovereign nations, not sick, leftist ideology. And keep your hands off Poland, and you should bow to the waist to Polish soldiers defending the eastern border of the EU, she said, pointing a finger at Ursula. Truly – nothing to add, nothing to divide, as a mathematician friend says!

Does the beautiful and wise Ewa read the Bulletin?

And one more word - she is the only Confederate woman I know who did not say anything while criticizing anything - PiS and PO are one evil!

Need I add how Donald Tusk reacted to the election?

Congratulations on your re-election, dear Ursula. Times are difficult, but thanks to your courage and determination, I am sure you will do a great job. Do it together! They will definitely do it together - Poland, aren't you afraid?

To my American brothers - you almost (less than an inch?) killed the president and presidential candidate Donald Trump - thank God!

The crazy American leftist has been calling for this for a long time, bashing him "verbally and judicially", having no brakes, and now, damn it - it was so close and nothing happened! Even Sleepy Joe was saying something about "putting him in the crosshairs", with an equally idiotic explanation, and acting scoundrels like De Niro dreamed of punching him!

But seriously - just look at the plan of the action and you can easily say - the American SS brazenly set Trump up for a sure shot!

There were only a few rooftops in the area, government snipers were stationed on one, and the one best suited for shooting (120 meters!) remained empty! Well, not entirely empty - that's where the bomber sat!

And if we add that witnesses raised the alarm - there is a man with a gun on the roof - and the police ignored it - what doubts can there be?

Yes, dear Americans - you must continue to be vigilant, because there is still some time until the elections on November 5, and your vicious leftists are not sleeping at all!

Donald Trump is your next president, and his deputy J.D. Vance is the future of the USA! Truly, dear PT Readers from Hong Kong – I am impressed!

Let's go back to Poland - the brazen and vulgar attack of "Polish youth" on a unit of the Polish Army defending the Polish border is another example of Polish "tusk values"!

And the head of the Ministry of National Defense, Kosiniak-Kamysz from ZSL, asking these anti-Polish bastards to behave better, is another example of the collapse of the December 13 Coalition!

But if guys in Aurora hats regain power in the Polish services, German agents become heads of banks and Polish companies, and "anti-Poles" are appointed as ambassadors (illegally!), how can we be surprised?

Similarly, the Polish Women's Strike announces a demonstration - in defense of women with MS who are being trashed by "Tusk's government"?

Absolutely - regarding abortion, because it is a basic "women's right"!

Truly, dear Poles - you can be a "useful idiot" (for how long?), but an idiot?

If the December 13 Coalition kept its election promises (hundreds of them, not enough space!) and at the same time bashing PiS, we could somehow understand these lemmings - we have what we wanted!

But this nasty government doesn't give a damn about its election promises, along with the voters, still hoping that the Olympics will replace bread - I wonder how long the lemmings will last?

Because it's not worth writing everything about the price increases - the bottom line is that PiS is not in power!

Another parish in Poland (now Bytom) is screwed - church bells can't ring because it annoys us! Of course, the muzzein's wailing will be harmless and closer to their hearts?

Let's go back to the Polish border - several "illegal refugees" have won cases in Polish courts - because while climbing through the "border barrier" they suffered damage or a broken leg - which opens the way for them to demand large compensation!

And the above-mentioned "Polish activists" (Polish youth?) not only helped them overcome the barrier, but also support them legally - one of these guys has already obtained compensation in the Polish court of PLN 250,000, but turned out to be a "refugee of little faith" and in the so-called meantime he escaped from Poland!

And Prosecutor Bodnar's special team is still working to investigate the behavior of all Polish border service officers towards "poor refugees"!

Really, poor tusk lemmings - this is the Poland you want?

See you.


Bulletin, Tusk, Trump, Biden, PiS, PO, EC, EP, Ursula von, Sawczenko, Giertych, refugees, Polish courts, Secret Service, Bodnar, lemmings, Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik, Hongkong.

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