
piątek, 2 sierpnia 2024


/ poniżej wersja polska /


The deeper the night,

The closer the dawn.

/ old, Chinese /


A week has passed since the pathetic equality parade, provided to us by the leftist authorities of the "eldest daughter of the Church" for the opening of the Paris Games, and I'm sure many of us have managed to shake it off, but what will happen at the end - the jokes from the Stations of the Cross?

And here comes our Iga, who openly called it a wonderful spectacle and was delighted, but let's give it a rest, after all, a bronze Olympic medal is a great thing, and being a "psychologist" 24/7 is really difficult!

And the Games are ongoing, ours is doing so-so, but maybe it will be better?

The IOC is following the footsteps of the creators of the opening and claims that a man who feels like a woman is a woman - interesting that somehow you don't see any "boxers" who consider themselves men?

Because conducting a "gender test" is morally ugly and unacceptable - and besides, now we have about 60 genders!

World sports, like everything else, are heading in an interesting direction of decline, such "ancient" disciplines as wrestling, boxing or weightlifting will slowly disappear, and Olympic medals will be given out for roller skating on sand or pole dancing, which will certainly enrich us all accordingly!

And Babiarz is talking again - it's a shame to talk!

The situation is similar in Poland, where Tusk's gang does whatever they want, brazenly disregarding the law, and the audience applauds, which is clearly visible at the Jurasa party full of love (go after those boors from the Republic!), at the airport near Czaplinek!

I wonder if our National Electoral Commission, which wants to take away PiS's electoral subsidy, will take into account the hundreds of huge billboards (We will defeat this evil!) that Juras threw at Polish cities before the last parliamentary elections, adding in small letters under the heart that it is supposedly about sepsis, and spending millions from the funds of his (?) orchestra?

The event is guarded by 5 thousand policemen - who pays for it?

Or maybe the National Electoral Commission will stutter about the PO events (Campus Dupiarza!), directly financed by the Germans?

And Polish courts continue to make fun of justice - recently the Warsaw Regional Court stated that the priest and two female officials are to remain in custody "only" until the end of August - does he hope that Bodnar will break them by then?

Because it is clear that if he considered the arrest "unjust", he should rule on its immediate termination!

More and more "suspicious guests" (Russian agents and similar riffraff!) are being nominated to the boards of Polish companies, a Russian has returned to one, and experts in resetting with Russia have returned to power in the Polish services - is this the result of the activities of the government commission for investigating Russian influence?

Dear pensioners, Tusk's gang will spend several billion zlotys to restore the SB officers' pensions they are not entitled to, and your 14th has been cut, your 13th is at risk, next year's refund is the lowest possible - do you still love the Platform?

Dear Poles, our "family silver" is being systematically destroyed, which will lead us to the position of the 35th state in the Fourth European Reich - do you still love the Platform?

Special units of the illegal Bodnar prosecutor's office are still attacking "Polish defenders of the borders" - do you still love the Platform?

The Turów mine, and thus the power plant, is slowly disappearing - do the local residents, who voted for the Platform in droves, still love it?

The exchange of spies between the West and Russia has been completed - a Russian spy from Poland has returned to Russia, Poles from Belarusian prisons have not returned to Poland - another success for Tusk?

And the bills "for everything" are growing and growing, they will grow even more by winter, not to mention spring - I wonder if the lemmings will still love the Platform in the early spring?

A word to the American Brothers - Trump and Vance are walking a straight path to victory, the communist Harris is shouting loudly, but she cannot win, because it would be the end of not only America!

Don't waste this chance to save the world, damn it!

We are returning to Poland - Compatriots, wake up!

The motto is clear - the dawn will come!

The title probably also - it pays off, although unfortunately not always!

See you.


Bulletin, Trump, Tusk, Poland, USA, Olympics, IV Reich, Russia, Owsiak, PKW.

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