
piątek, 9 sierpnia 2024


/ poniżej wersja polska /


"If you believe in God, you don't vote for PiS".

/ Donald Tusk before the elections /


The Paris Games are slowly coming to an end, which at the opening gave us an embarrassing spectacle of the anti-Christian phobia of the leftists ruling there, and what they will give us at the end, it's scary to think!

So far, we're doing like a dud, it's good that at least our Ola ("the golden lizard", and even two Olas!) didn't disappoint, and the beautiful Julia proves that even women's boxing can be worth watching, she's already won the gold medal among women, I wonder what will happen tomorrow?

And who would have thought that it wouldn't be Iga, but Julia who would conquer Roland Garros?

I wrote here – volleyball players, volleyball players and our Iga – volleyball players burned down, volleyball players miraculously escaped with their lives, Iga got bronze – that is 2/3, because volleyball players already have a medal, but they have to approach the final in an "American" way (which was not enough for us!) and win!

President Świderski – we can't even buy tickets for this final!

Not nice, great hosts!

We don't have many medals (France ten times as many!) and there will be few of them, but we know why – can it be any different in Poland ruled by Tusk?

Tusk has just called a press conference, at which he accused PiS of stealing some hundred billion and announced that two hundred of his officials are working on it from morning till night – is it any wonder that this largest government in our history simply has no time for anything else?

One thing is killing these Tusk revelations – he once again didn't let journalists from the Republic into the conference – what do the "defenders of human rights" and "free media" have to say about this?

There is no point in listing what the government is not doing, because there is no space, but pizza lovers from Jagodna will already "under the tree" (Christmas is too difficult a concept for them!) get so many "Tusk presents" that they will either open their eyes or go crazy with anger - it was not supposed to be like this!

And Great Britain is fighting "refugees", i.e. people are fighting, and the leftist government is playing dumb and putting them in prison for writing the truth in the media and for just going out on the streets, to put it bluntly: "right-wing fascists"! And the Muslim "minority", which already has many mayors and is not a minority everywhere, has no problem going out on the streets with machetes to fight "for their own", and the local police protect them from the truly local population! One could admire the British when they ignored the EU and did Brexit, but what is happening there today is another downfall of the "united kingdom" - I wonder if and when they will get out of it?

And it must be added that many countries of the so-called Western Europe (including France, which is currently enjoying the "colored medals"!), are in a completely similar situation - just wait until the autumn "spring of nations" breaks out there too!

To the American brothers - the situation in the USA is also similar - the leftist tandem of jokers and frauds, namely Harris and Walz, is being forced by the local media, celebrities and lawyers who are trashing the Republican tandem Trump-Vance, accusing them of practically everything (fascists and Russian agents), and yet it is as clear as day - America, which will once again fall into the hands of the so-called Democrats, will become a country compared to which the film The Fall of the Roman Empire will be a fairy tale for children!

So, dear Brother Americans, get to work – otherwise you will become the generation that will be taught in schools (if there are any schools!) that wasted the chance to rebirth America and the world!

The motto is probably clear (?), so a few words about the title. During the rule of Law and Justice, the leftist authorities of the EU, headed by the German "Beautiful Ursula", did everything that is allowed and what is not allowed to bring about a change of power in Poland, not looking at the EU Treaties (or similar legal nonsense!), lying like crazy (PiS is breaking democracy!), cheating non-stop (the infamous milestones!), and setting all the great "international institutions" (Amnesty International, the ECHR, the ECJ, the Soros gang and similar abominations!) against Poland, and all this with the help of the "Polish total opposition" and "Polish MEPs" from it!

And the task was delegated to the "king of Europe" Donald Tusk, who after fleeing from the position of Polish prime minister went to the "European secret police", where on behalf of Angela Merkel he did everything to make PiS Poland look bad on the European and world forum! And he succeeded!

Although Tusk did not win the elections, thanks to the anti-Polish attitude of the other "Polish parties", he managed to form the government of the "December 13 Coalition"!

The largest, but also the worst government in our history - even those "under communism", while keeping up appearances, did not break the law so openly!

And the matter is clear - through Tusk's hands the EU is currently conducting the "experiment of the century", probing to the limit how far it can go, breaking all laws, and shouting loudly that the reconstruction of the rule of law is underway in Poland!

And the remaining EU member states (apart from Germany – they have good eyesight, they can already see the Fourth European Reich on the horizon!), still remain in blissful ignorance, completely unaware that after the successful "Polish experiment" they will be next?

Yes, dear PT Readers – open your eyes!

See you soon.

Tags: Bulletin, USA, Poland, Trump, Harris, Tusk, GB, EU, Ursula, Coalition of December 13, Fourth Reich, Games, TV Republika.

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