
piątek, 30 sierpnia 2024



Tusk signed,

A blame game,

Tusk as usual,

Someone else is to blame!

/ neighbor-poet /


Before the 2019 elections I wrote - PiS must deal with the "highest caste" and generally clean up Poland, and there is no need to worry about the leftist EU authorities, because no matter what PiS does, they will still beat on it like a drum! The president probably did not read it.

The political decision of the National Electoral Commission (PKW) confirmed this exactly, because to tell the truth, only the greatest optimists in the opposition could expect a decision other than the rejection of the PiS report!

Let's say this too - PiS submitted its report before January 15, 2024, and the National Electoral Commission Act clearly states that it has six months to issue a resolution, so the deadline expired on July 15 - so the one issued on August 29 is illegal!

Let's add this too - the National Electoral Commission resolution was not signed by its chairman either - so it doesn't really exist!

And the chairman himself said before the announcement that the PiS report was considered in a different manner than the other election committees - that's a crime! Let's recall this too - during the elections on October 15, the election silence ended at 9 p.m., right after the National Electoral Commission announced the exit poll, providing approximate election results, and voting in some stations lasted until 3 a.m. (I'm leaving aside voting "on certificates" and the behavior of commission members who did not want to issue referendum cards!) - if this is not an election scam, what is?

PiS has of course the right to appeal to the Supreme Court within 14 days (I understand that from the date of receipt of the decision in writing with the justification?), which, according to the law, will go to the Supreme Court's Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs, which will have 60 days to issue a verdict. Let us recall - this is the same Chamber that decided on the legality of the last elections!

And Tusk's rhymers, led by Bodnar, are already brazenly announcing - this Chamber is not a court, we can ignore any of its decisions and we will not pay PiS money!

But - if this chamber is not a court, then the last elections were illegal, because no court approved them in time!

At the last Campus of "Dupiarz" (he called himself that!), the "PO youth" gathered there howled to the rhythm of a hit by a certain Cypis (my audience are morons!), a humorous and loving refrain of "jebaćpis", adding a passionate appeal to PiS voters to "wypiedalaćztegokraju"!

PO politicians who were there (Sports Minister Nitras and EU Minister Szłapka!) saw and heard nothing.

And the authority on hate speech, a certain Śmiszek (together with Biedroń, they have built quite a nest in Brussels, bravo voters!), stated that this is our "cultural heritage" and has nothing to do with any hate speech!

And on the same Campus, a certain Marian Turski, who was a Warsaw Platform insurgent on duty, who immediately went into Russian pay after the war and praised Lenin as a journalist, said something like this to the "youth" - memory can often terrorize a person, and one must not succumb to the terror of memory!

As you can see, he himself did not succumb to this terror, and for the PO lemmings this is golden advice - have fun, there is no hell, do whatever you want!

And there the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs once again insulted Poles, and "Zdradek" sitting opposite him did not utter a word - was anyone surprised?

"Ministra" Nowacka, the one for "education that is bashing religion" - Campus didn't even touch public money - of course, some 100 thousand from the local government, or a million "German marks", or "a bubble from Soros", it's nothing compared to some PiS picnic where pots were donated to the Rural Housewives Association or a fire truck for the local Volunteer Fire Department! A word to the American Brothers - communist Harris is supposedly gaining in the polls, but don't despair - things didn't happen like that in Poland!

Donald Trump simply has to be himself, not giving in to any leftist attacks, and patiently follow his path until election day - and then it will turn out that America really is great! He simply has to, because otherwise not only America will suffocate! We're going back to Poland, while it's still there!

Since there is no atmosphere in the current coalition to open the gate to legal abortion up to the 12th week of pregnancy, together with the "minister" of health we will open the gate, said Donald Tusk and announced together - the opinion of one psychiatrist is enough to perform an abortion even in the 9th month!


Well, now all the lemmings must be delighted - Tusk is great!

True, he only settled two cases - illegal pensions for secret police officers and total abortion for idiots, but after all - PiS is no longer in power!

On this entire "resolution" of the National Electoral Commission, PiS may lose about 100 million, which seems like a huge sum, but when we remember that the most fierce horse from Tusk's Augean stable, a certain "lawyer", is facing charges of misappropriating about 90 million, then it looks a bit different!

PiS is launching an appeal to voters to support their party with payments to the party account, but I would wait until the Supreme Court clarifies the matter, now to say – if the Supreme Court also turns out to be “Tusk-like”, we will ask you for payments! Because PiS wants to win in the Supreme Court, right?

And in general, it is great, and it will be even better!

The ETS is working, the ETS2 will be working, the Migration Pact is being cooked, the Treaties are in danger, the Green Deal is on the offensive, “Muslim refugees” are still fighting and are going to the Canary Islands or Lampedusa, huge increases in bills are just around the corner, and our budget deficit is supposed to reach almost 300 billion!

Now Tusk has only one thing to do – how to deal with TV Republika?

Enough writing, I’m off to watch Kolejorz!

See you.


Bulletin, USA, Trump, Harris, Tusk, PiS, Muslim refugees, Canary Islands, EU, ETS, bills, migration pact, TV Republika, PKW, Campus.

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