
piątek, 27 września 2024


/ poniżej wersja polska /


The courts have knocked themselves on the head.

Because how much can you do?

The courts have knocked themselves on the head,

This is not football!

/ neighbor-poet /


Today's Friday, although it is not "Tusk's Friday the 13th", is incredibly important in the nasty realities of the government of the December 13 Coalition!

The Supreme Court ruled that the National Prosecutor is prosecutor Dariusz Barski, which means that all actions in this field by the Minister of Justice and Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar are illegal!

The District Court in Warsaw upheld the decision of the District Court and did not agree to the arrest of Marcin Romanowski, because the immunity protecting him due to his seat in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe is valid, which means that all actions of the "Bodnar prosecutor's office" in this field are illegal!

Of course, the thug Bodnar continues to stubbornly persist – the Supreme Court ruling is not binding (the court was not properly staffed!), I will not deviate from the chosen path of restoring the citizens to an independent judiciary and prosecutor's office!

Really – not only a criminal, but also an idiot?

And his "duty idiot" adds – even if the Supreme Court were properly staffed, its ruling would only apply to this one case!

And the Council of Europe issues a "political alert" regarding harassment (not being allowed to attend press conferences and "electoral convections, pardon me, crisis convections!) by the Tusk government TV Republika - is this really happening?

To say "Tusk's black day" is to say nothing - but let's not praise the day before the sunset!

Donald Tusk and his acolytes are still going strong - their anti-democratic and anti-Polish actions still support the "leftist gangs" in the EU (beautiful Ursula, communist Jouvrowa, idiot Metsola!), and some 30 percent of "Poles" who worship the slogan "fuck you", in other words - we still have to fight!

On September 9, 2015, German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered her famous "Herzlich Willkommen", opening Germany's borders to "engineers and doctors" from the world, mainly Muslims. It is no secret to anyone that this was a policy suicidal – these “engineers” don’t give a damn about the Chancellor’s dreams, and their only goal is to “live on welfare and multiply until they stop” – because they have known for a long time (the teachings of their imams, richly rewarded by “rich Arab countries”, see Kuwait, AS and all the Emirates!) that they don’t need cannons today – we will deal with them through mass settlement!

The average French family has less than one child, the local “immigrant family” has at least five – even a European intellectual who despises mathematics can easily calculate what this will lead to!

And Germany, still violating the “Schengen agreement”, is closing its borders and “refugees” are returning to neighboring countries, most of them to Poland (it’s already over 10 thousand!), and Tusk’s government is silent – does that tell you anything?

Yesterday I gave my wife a short ride to the nearest Biedronka - I'm sitting in the car and I'm looking - five "clumsy" people are walking past, laughing and shouting something and accosting women - and Poznań is not "on the front line" here, is it?

A word to the American Brothers - the leftist joker "Kamala the lying" is still laughing and lying - are you really not capable of an appropriate reaction? Because the matter is as simple as a wire - Kamala wins, the USA is "fucked", Trump wins, the "USA is ahead" - should the choice be simple then?

Dear American Brothers (plus the American Polonia) - get your act together, because no one will forgive you another defeat by "American democrats"!

We are going back to Poland, while it is still here!

Another example is 'Tusk's policy' towards Minister Ziobro, which was clearly explained by the head of the commission, policewoman Sroka (indeed, as experts say – one such woman is worse than ten "fucked-up guys"!), calling on hospitals to reveal the minister's "medical record" and making it public, summoning him for questioning and justifying it with an "expert opinion" – the guy didn't even look at the minister and stated – he can testify!

In any normal country, such an "expert" would be deprived of the right to practice his profession for life, but in the "Tusk version of understanding the law" he is still a "professional" – God save Poland!

Father Olszewski and two officials of the Ministry of Justice have been in custody for over half a year, and as it results from today's Supreme Court decision, they are there illegally – and the "eight-star Poles" are still happy!

Dear Tusk lemmings – you can be a "useful idiot", but "an idiot"?

The motto is probably clear (even Iustitia is starting to think?), and as for the title - it's a song by the Dana Choir from before the war, and its content is simple - no matter how much you jump, your butt won't go any higher!

About the lack of reaction of the Tusk government to the "flood Armageddon" (I wrote about it a week ago) - everything came true! It was probably as usual with Tusk - I'll say that there will be no flood and there will be no flood - and if anything, our media will sort it out!

And they do, Tusk's idiotic words (there's no need to panic, the forecasts are not too alarmist!), uttered in the morning of September 13 (when it was already clear that the forecasts were tragic!), explaining it this way - the Prime Minister was talking about Wrocław!

And there is some sense here - after all, the destruction of Stronie Śląskie or Lądek Zdrój means about 50 thousand voters, while Wrocław and Opole are worth over a million - is it worth it?

Of course, yes – and the truth has never been the most important thing for Tusk, quite the opposite – we lie in the morning, we lie during the day and we lie at night – the truth has no chance of winning!

I am writing this in the evening, now, and there is no reaction from Prime Minister Prof. Donald Tusk (TVN!) to today's events – did he go to the Dolomites again?

See you soon.


Bulletin, Harris, Trump, Tusk, EU, EC, Brother Americans, flood, Muslim refugees, beavers, Polish courts, Bodnar, TV Republika, SN, Merkel.

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