
piątek, 4 października 2024

 B.N. 35/24. NEO-POLISH.

/ poniżej wersja polska /


"I have a decree from the Prime Minister,

By which he appointed me

To the position of national prosecutor".

/ prosecutor Korneluk /


First, the sports corner.

Our wonderful Iga has just announced that she has ended her cooperation with coach Wiktorowski, thanking him nicely, but not giving the reasons for this unexpected (?) decision. One can only guess what it is about, but the matter is simple - if Iga had to choose between a coach or a "psychologist" and threw the coach out - that is a tragedy! I wrote over a year ago "Iga, you need to freshen up the team" and although I recently wrote about the coach (I want to turn a wonderful, instinctively playing player into a winning machine!), I have to admit that the first one to go was the "psychologist" - if I had to live 24/7 with a woman like that, I would go crazy after a month! Iga talks about a coach from abroad, which is rather necessary these days - maybe Brad Gilbert, his hat is impressive? After fifteen minutes Iga added that she was withdrawing from another thousand-meter high - fortunately Sabalenka lost in Beijing in the quarterfinals to Muchova and there is still a chance to remain No. 1, but - will she play in the WTA Finals?

Iga, hold on!

And in the country there are no changes – Prime Minister Tusk still lives in a "fighting democracy", and his Bodnar arm breaks every possible law, treating the Constitution like a Russian soldier on the streets, disregarding the Constitutional Tribunal and the Supreme Court and ignoring the President!

But a week ago something happened – the Supreme Court issued a decision, a verdict in fact, that Barski is the national prosecutor, and through the mouth of the head of its Criminal Chamber (a judge since 1991!) he delivered a 45-minute justification that will go down in Polish history, whether anyone likes it or not, ending it with a dramatic appeal – we are losing Poland!

I can modestly add, assuming that Judge Zbigniew Kapiński does not read my blog, that I wrote about everything he said in his speech in the Bulletin, maybe in slightly different words – for example, he stated that a judge who signs a loyalty oath cannot be a judge, I – can such a bloody judge be a judge? - but the meaning of it all is the same!

And Donald Tusk is still making fun of Poles, as evidenced not only by his entire attitude towards the "great flood" (the forecasts are not alarming, the dam will hold - does anyone still remember it?), but for example by his reaction to the so-called "alcotubes" (remember the chemical castration of pedophiles or dopes?) - we won't allow it, Czesław, go sort it out and come back to the government meeting - and yet it is as clear as day that it was his government that "legally" allowed these tubes into circulation, charged the excise tax and gave its blessing!

And there are still cherries or chocolate-coated barrels of alcohol in circulation - we have to take care of children, that's obvious - but not of pensioners?

But don't worry - no one remembers the election promises of the December 13 Coalition, and the students from Jagodna are downright proud of it - why the hell do we need 60 thousand without tax, a dormitory for one zloty, a "stick" per head, a rent subsidy or other such things - we love Tusk!

Interesting fact – state treasury companies – profit during Morawiecki's government PLN 11.5 billion, loss during Tusk's government PLN 320 thousand – dear lemmings, does that ring a bell?

"Minister" of Health Leszczyna (under our government, as if by magic, all problems will disappear!), does not even know how many bejm she lacks (I need about PLN 3 billion by the end of the year, her deputy lacks PLN 5 billion for the third quarter!), and experts say 15 billion!

So, as PO Minister of Health Arłukowicz said, "voivodeship" – don't talk to me about billions, close three of your hospitals and come for a hundred million!

And her comment on the "housing" activities, plus the mileage allowance (400 thousand to date!) of the PO couple Myrcha-Gajewska, is not even worth crying about – well, should they rent two apartments next to each other?

It really is bad – the ministries of health, climate and education (you are not allowed to read reading books, do homework, teach reading and writing in kindergarten!) have been taken over by some nasty women, for whom the historical task is the fall of Poland!

The heroic Bodnar supporters have just locked up a certain Palikot (formerly deputy head of the Platform, a nasty individual, the forefather of "fuck PiS"!), probably wanting to show that "we do not only lock up PiS supporters", and his defender (a well-known lawyer of the worst bandits!) is already screaming – it is PiS's fault, and the request for arrest is "inconsistent with the spirit" – in the case of the priest and the clerks was?

And Palikot has great opportunities – after all, now you can deny the "competence" of not only judges, but also prosecutors – let your soul run wild, there is no hell! Another interesting fact is that many celebrities and sportsmen posing as them have also been "dirty" at Palikot's - is karma coming back?

Speaking of celebrities - at the "largest Polish film festival" the main prize was won by the hideous Zielona Granica by "Polish" director Agnieszka Holland, which was met with standing ovation - are there any limits to this idiocy?

Speaking of the priest - the main accusation is that his Foundation's activities did not include a provision on "helping victims" (the priest, although he built the centre, has been in custody for over half a year!), and meanwhile state-owned companies pay tens of millions to the Juras WOŚP Foundation (and they have their own for this purpose!), while this Foundation does not have in its "provision" any aid for flood victims - but Juras is not ordered to "pour into the bottle" while in custody - Tusk's law?

A Word to the American Brothers – the president with two names Obama has officially become involved in Harris’ campaign, which, contrary to appearances, may be good news for Trump – now Harris will not only be held responsible for being Biden’s vice president, but also Obama himself, because no one can have any doubts – the victory of the leftist Harris is the end of real America! Dear Americans – take the local Polonians by the hand and calmly win in the “doubtful states” – not only Poles will not forgive you for defeats!

We are returning to Poland, while it is still there!

This is not a joke at all – the actions of Tusk’s gang (neo-judges – neo-Polish!), are leading directly to the end of Poland – these anti-Polish morons want to rule by decrees (like under Bierut!), they want to rule!

A Word about PiS – indeed, you can still act according to the old Chinese principle for some time – sit on the bank of a river and wait for the bodies of your enemies to float down it – but from November, enough of this – we are putting a candidate for president and into battle!

Because this may be "your last fight"!

But we're going back through Europe. I've already written that the dreams of the leftist EU authorities, that Europe will be "heaven on earth", rich and green (we'll drink drinks in the garden, without that disgusting CO2, and our industry will earn money from us in China!), are complete idiocy, and now I have an ally - French President Macron has just said - if we don't come to our senses, the EU won't exist in three years!

Interesting - I gave the EU (plus "Muslim domination"!), even a decade!

You can joke, but the truth is terrible - if the EU doesn't change its idiotic policy of "green deal" and "planned migration", and if Poles don't come to their senses and send Tusk's gang into space, then we'll be "fucked" to use the language of Lempart (the courts recently acquitted her!) - really, "Poland is hot", Compatriots!

See you soon.


Bulletin, Trump, Tusk, Harris, PiS, Platform, EU, Muslim refugees, Green Deal, Iga, SN, TK, American Brothers, alcotubes, great flood, Leszczyna, education, Obama, Jagodno.

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