B.N. 47/24. THE YEAR 2024 IS ENDING – WILL 2025 BE BETTER?
/ poniżej wersja polska /
We survived the German and the Russian,
We will survive Tusk too!
/ neighbor-poet /
I have read my last Bulletin of last year (B.N. 60/23) and I will immodestly say that it is worth reading – it was proven to the letter, I could actually copy it today – but whatever, there will be a new one!
Today marks the 106th anniversary of the outbreak of the victorious Greater Poland Uprising, pushed to the margins of memory during communism (maybe for the Poznań Uprising of 1956?), today we have a National Holiday and even "Warszafka" knows something about it!
Both in 1918 and in 1956 Poznań was "Polish to the core", but I will not write more about it, because I am ashamed of today's Poznań (even though Hołownia was booed!) - a stronghold of the evil of the Polish People's Party!
And the PO evil (Tusk, Tusk!) is advancing like a Russian tank – the destruction of the judiciary (neo-judges!), the illegal takeover of the prosecutor's office and TVP, the freezing of Polish companies and all assets of economic development (CPK, nuclear power, Odra and many others!), the destruction of Polish education (grades, readings, homework, health education!) and higher education (zero recruitment!), the lack of protection of electricity, gas and all "economic media" prices (electricity and gas bills may be half of what they are today, and fuel at PLN 5!), the inclusion of TVN on the list of strategic companies (an American strategic station for Poland?), brazen attacks on PiS and its MPs (and PO senators under accusation and Giertych still unpunished!), the six-month persecution of a priest and two female officials (even the PO Ombudsman stated this!), the lowest possible pension refund (and there were supposed to be two!), and the mendacious "one hundred specifics for one hundred days", the government's a resolution that we can choose the Supreme Court or Constitutional Tribunal verdicts at our discretion, or the politically-oriented National Electoral Commission (the communist Kalisz, for acquitting his drunk wife /two per mille in a car with a child!/ is ready for anything!), and generally - "we apply the law as we understand it", "together with Putin we will make sure that no one throws sand in the gears", "dialogue with Russia as it is is necessary", and "Polishness is abnormality" - not enough?
It will certainly be enough, but for the lemmings in love with Tusk it is nothing - for them the slogan "fuck pis" is still the overriding slogan and still sufficient - any stories about any increases mean nothing here - the most important thing is that PiS does not govern!
In the presidential elections, which will take place sometime in mid-May (if the "Tusk's thugs" don't knock them out!), two candidates will practically count - the non-partisan, civic candidate Rafał "Dupiarz" Trzaskowski (vice head of the Civic Platform!), and the civic, non-partisan, PiS-supported head of the Institute of National Remembrance, Karol "Bokser" Nawrocki!
Candidate Nawrocki is himself and doesn't have to pretend anything - he trains, lifts refrigerators for flood victims, talks about Poland as about his homeland, which "must be loved and respected", and the slogan "God, Honor, Homeland" is not an empty slogan for him, but the basis of action and existence!
Candidate Trzaskowski is not himself and has to pretend everything – he has repeatedly participated in Equality Parades (a deviation of the LGBT authorities!), repeatedly tried to destroy the Independence March, issued a Regulation on the elimination of crosses in Warsaw offices, organized Polish Picnics sponsored by the Germans, advocated for abortion, and predicted – the planet is on fire – by including Warsaw in the union of leftist cities "fighting for the climate" (you won't be allowed to enter the center of Warsaw!), and by doing push-ups (the best meme is the one with Rafał's "snow man" lifting it!), he makes fun of us, saying "bonżur" - and today he shares the wafer, talks about Christmas, and tomorrow he will probably put on a surplice, or go to Częstochowa on his knees!
A word to the American Brothers – January 20 is coming soon, but you must still be vigilant – leftist, "democratic" evil (two attacks!), does not sleep! Donald Trump is still the hope for the "free world", but in reality we will know him "by his deeds" - and then we will judge him! But - watch your President, dear Brothers!
We are returning to Poland, while it is still there!
This is not an exaggeration at all - one more year of Tusk's rule and his criminal camarilla may be the "last year of Poland"!
We will then become some inferior German state in the EU, in which we will have no say, and the leftist authorities of the EU will calmly bring about the downfall of Europe (including Poland!), which will sink from its "leading position" to the role of a global pariah, with whom no Americas, Asia or Africa will even reckon!
PiS MP Romanowski was granted political asylum in Hungary – this is a great blow to "Tusk's freedom", because now even the leftist authorities of the EU will not be able to pretend that they do not see anything – something stinks about this Tusk!
And we are still facing both the ETS (1,2, later 3!), which will lead Europe to complete ruin, and the "migration pact" (forced, but voluntary!), the allocation of so-called refugees in the remaining EU countries, apart from Germany and France, especially in the so-called Eastern Europe, where Poland, as the largest country here, will suffer the most!
By the way - there must be something to these "German foundlings" - before Christmas, waiting for my Wife in front of a large Poznań supermarket, I saw this - five "dark-faced" citizens walked "aimlessly" around the parking lot for about half an hour, with smartphones in their hands, of course, and then got into a new Octavia with Poznań plates and drove away - I wonder where they get the scolding for that? But I saw this too – the absolute concert of the "Little Janosik Army", the sight of whom such a Mitras (we have to file down the Catholics!), and his followers (leftist Nowacka!), must cause a great headache – you will not win with them!
And Donald Tusk said – Poland will be the beneficiary of the migration pact, we will not have to pay for anything – really, dear lemmings, do you believe in that too?
The words "liar, liar, thrice a liar" (Zagłoba!) are the most delicate description of the actions of "our" Donald – God save Poland!
The motto is probably clear, and the title?
Hope in God that it will be better!
I am writing this today to spend the end of the year in peace and to cut myself off from politics – and I wish all my PT Readers:
Fulfillment of dreams, lots of health and happiness, and all the best in 2025!
Until the New Year!
Bulletin, Tusk, Trump, PiS, PO, refugees, Nawrocki, Trzaskowski, New Year 2025, Greater Poland Uprising, Little Janosik's Army, EU, EC, SN, TK.
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