/ poniżej wersja polska /
"These whores are impudent and bold!"
/ quote - "The adventures of the good soldier Švejk" /
First of all, the last poll (from 7-9 March, did the results have to be "processed?"), it hasn't been here for a long time (Pollster for Super Express), where the result was as follows: PO 33.02 (+1.65), PiS 31.82 (-1.39), Confederation 17.17 (+1.4), 3 Droga 9.25 (no data on change), New Left 5.72 (no data on change).
Leaving aside the real value of this reading, the Law and Justice coalition with Confederation takes everything - but are the so-called Confederates, who have never ruled (they keep emphasizing it and keep dreaming about it!), ready for this?
Rather not - PiS still has a lot of work ahead of them!
Recently, the EU has adopted many idiotic Resolutions, but the most important are two (apart from the so-called migration!) - the one on strengthening the EU's defense and the one on expanding the EU list of crimes on inciting hatred and crimes related to hatred. PiS MPs opposed the one regarding Strengthening EU Defense (which Prime Minister Tusk commented on - I have already said about PiS once, they are not patriots, they are idiots (Tusk's policy of love?), but today it smells like betrayal, the nation will not forgive you for that!
Really, on the part of Tusk, who lies at the same time as breathing, this is the height of hypocrisy (does the guy know what that is?), because this Resolution (only 19 pages, I advise you to read it) is an attack on the greatest Polish principles - sovereignty, independence and self-determination!
As a result, the German EU (their dream – an EU federal state under German leadership, and in the long run a large communist state from Kamchatka to Lisbon!) will completely weaken Poland and other EU members with "Russian roots" (the former Warsaw Pact!), giving them no chance for a national sovereignty policy – in any situation they will be outvoted by the "EU majority", where the leading Germany and France, i.e. still dreaming of greatness of their footstool, will be able to act according to the rule – good is what we want!
And we know all too well what the fate of "German" Europe looked like – leaving aside further history, this is enough – World War I, World War II – does anyone have any doubts?
Then let them go on a trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau, a German extermination camp in German-occupied Poland (1939-1945) – because only Poland (not the Tusk one!) still remembers German crimes (even the Jews murdered there want to create new history!)! Similarly with the EU Parliament Resolution on the EU list of hate crimes (people – a thousand pages of leftist rambling!), which the 8 Stars Coalition was also in favour of – as a result, every public voice or internet post that the leftist EU authorities (and now Polish authorities – see leftist Gawkowski!) do not like will be considered a "voice of hate", deleted and punished!
My blog here (New Bulletin) has already been closed down by the leftists once (a miracle saved it, I guess?), and after the adoption of this Resolution, the chances will decrease to zero – they will close it and goodbye! Let's be clear – I am writing here only to make the Bulletin go out into the world and even if it is closed, I will not cut myself – there are other platforms!
Incidentally – I recently praised the American Brothers for the many visits and the effect was immediate – the number of visits decreased – but it doesn't matter, as the Little Knight used to say – let's keep writing!
Apropos Brother Americans – President Donald Trump has a rather specific approach to many issues, not very consistent with so-called "political correctness", but – maybe that is his strength?
Don't let yourselves be driven crazy, dear BA – in your homeland, sick leftists are burning charging stations and Tesla showrooms of Trump's Musk – do they no longer like the "Green Deal"?
Previously, there were nasty demonstrations and public rapes of the "BLM movement" (Black Lives Matter), mainly colored, female and supposedly fighting for the rights of the "African-American community" (what is that really?), but in reality anti-Trump – and today they are supporters of the so-called Democrats!
Truly, dear BA – don't let yourselves be driven crazy by this leftism!
We are returning to Poland, while it still exists!
"We want dialogue with Russia, as it is", Prime Minister Tusk said recently, and added full of faith (when signing the agreement for cooperation between the Polish SKW and the Russian KGB!) - "with Prime Minister Putin we will make sure that no one throws sand in the gears", he had previously overthrown Jan Olszewski's government on the principle of "Polishness is abnormality" (gentlemen, let's count the votes!), later he added the election "100 specifics for a hundred days", of which he implemented only one - the restoration of SB pensions to Polish-Russian traitors, and to top it off he snarled - Donald Trump has been a Russian agent for 30 years! Really, dear Poles - is this the kind of "leader you want", not only "lying to order" (every now and then he says something opposite, every now and then he contradicts himself!), but lying about "basic Polish matters" - on the German slogan without batting an eyelid?
Previously there were nasty demonstrations and public rapes of the "BLM movement" (Black Lives Matter), mainly colored, female and supposedly fighting for the rights of the "African-American community" (what is that really?), but in reality anti-Trump - and today it is supporters of the so-called Democrats! Truly, dear BA - do not let this leftism drive you crazy! We are going back to Poland, while it is still there! "We want dialogue with Russia, as it is", Prime Minister Tusk said recently, and added full of faith (when signing the agreement for cooperation between the Polish SKW and the Russian KGB!) - "with Prime Minister Putin we will make sure that no one throws sand into the gears", he had previously overthrown Jan Olszewski's government on the principle of "Polishness is abnormality" (gentlemen, let's count the votes!), later he added the election "100 specifics for a hundred days", of which he implemented only one - the restoration of SB pensions to Polish-Russian traitors, and to top it off he uttered - Donald Trump has been a Russian agent for 30 years! Really, dear Poles – is this the kind of "leader you want to have", not only "lying to order" (every now and then he says something opposite, every now and then he contradicts himself!), but lying about "basic Polish matters" - on the German slogan without batting an eyelid? There are hundreds of examples, let's take this one - the issue of illegal migration! And today it's a simple matter - on the Polish border, in Eisenhuettenstadt, a special center for immigrants is already operating, who are to be systematically and collectively sent back to Poland - and the head of the German office praises the cooperation with Donald Tusk's government - Poland is a good partner! By the way - similarly, during the last year the German Police has already provided us with some 70 thousand of these "engineers and doctors" (the Polish side is silent!), and I can even see on the streets of Poznań (groups of various dark-skinned people in front of supermarkets!) that something is changing! Tusk - Poland will be the beneficiary of the migration pact, we will not have to pay for anything, no illegal immigrant will be sent to Poland Poland will not enter, we will revoke the right of asylum! And the fact that as the "king of Europe", i.e. Chancellor Merkel's henchman, he threatened the "PiS government", i.e. Poland - refusal will be met with penalties, such are the rules in the EU - is it a piece of cake? For eight-star lemmings, rather yes - they swallow every word of their god while not believing in God, not remembering at all what he said yesterday, and not caring at all about what he will say tomorrow - simply "Tusk is the best"! Dear Poles - do you want to give the fate of Poland to such "Poles"? One could write and write about this "European whoredom", supported by the "Polish" Platform, but "no kidding" - how much can one do? The matter is as simple as a wire - only support for Karol Nawrocki, the Civic and PiS candidate in the presidential elections (the president does not have to speak many languages - he has to think in Polish!), can save Poland - support for the confederation Mentznen is humbug, and support for the PO Tzaskowski is treason! And we must remember the "Romanian case", where the candidate who won the first round, after the Romanian Supreme Court invalidated the elections, was arrested and excluded from the elections (as was another candidate!), and the EU Commission, defending "democracy and the rule of law" not only did not protest, but did not even condemn it with a word! And let us recall - in September 2020, the EP adopted a resolution on the rule of law in Poland (there is a constant deterioration of the rule of law on the part of PiS and mass arrests of LGBT activists!), which was supported by 513 MEPs (PO and the Left in favor, PiS against, PSL abstained), 148 were against, 33 abstained.
What is there to be surprised about - after all, the same EU announces an "EU round table" on the presidential elections in Poland (lying - these are systemic actions!), previously praising the "Bodnar" repair of democracy to resistance, and considering Tusk as a "model of all democracy"!
And the famous Polish "round table" (February - April 1989!), where "representatives of Solidarity" reached an agreement with their "leading officers", is supposed to be an example of "EU rule of law"!
God save Poland! The motto is certainly recognizable (because how else can you call the shamans of "fighting democracy"?), and the title is "obviously obvious" - after all, it is still going on!
See you.
Tags: Bulletin, USA, Poland, Trump, Tusk, round table, EU, EC, elections, Romania, polls, EU rule of law, PiS, PO, Left, Trzaskowski, Nawrocki, BLM.
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