
piątek, 24 maja 2024


/ poniżej wersja polska /


Ionian circus,

Jagged septic tank,

Tusk gall.

Plus red reset.

This is the Poland you want?

/ neighbor-poet /


We have entered the sixth month of the rule of the December 13 Coalition, also known as the 8-Star Coalition, and it is truly a miracle of God that our poor Poland has not perished yet!

Tusk's henchmen brazenly break the law, churlishly invading "every field" (the media, the prosecutor's office, courts, companies, parliamentary committees, the economy, education, culture and the devil knows where else!), and the EU just as brazenly supports it!

The Czech communist Viera Juvrowa, the deputy head of the same, with a stupid smile as usual:

"We are no longer dealing with violations of the rule of law in Poland and that is why I propose that the EC withdraws the application regarding the Article 7 procedure." Can you imagine bigger balls on this topic?

Today I watched the meeting of the parliamentary committee for envelope elections (Ionian circus!), where the President was a guest and where once again I could see the rudeness of its members, and, interestingly, especially "people with uteruses" ("person summoned" to the President!) to use leftist newspeak - do they really want to become a synonym for a boorish, leftist idiot?

By the way - "dumb and dumber", i.e. the heads of two "commissions", want to escape to Brussels - are they not that stupid after all?

Donald Tusk, who systematically works to be called "this man has not told the truth in his life", tells some sick fairy tales about the "eastern German shield", suddenly realizes that a wall on the eastern border is necessary, that Putin is behind it, that the fight for Poland's security is the peak of his dreams, and after all, he was and is the most anti-Russian politician in Europe!

And that's why he appoints a government (he's afraid of the Sejm, there would have to be someone from the opposition?) commission to investigate Russian influence, and "General" Dukaczewski has already announced - we will find people to join the commission and write a report - the secret service will look for Russian influence - bigger balls than with this rule of law in the EU!

There is nothing worth writing about the fact that Donald Tusk recently talked about all this quite the opposite - it doesn't work on lemmings!

Asshole Trzaskowski (he called himself that!) issues a regulation to remove the Catholic Cross from the Warsaw city hall, explaining it as a "fight for equality" - but when rainbow flags fly in the Krakow city hall (Poznań!), is everything OK?

I will say once again - I have nothing against "LGBT people", but when this strange minority, with the help of its impudent leaders, comes to power, we cannot accept it!

MP Nitras from PO has long ago told Polish Catholics - "we have to file you for undue privileges" - will the filing continue?

And the head of the "New Left", Czarzasty, goes further - it's nothing, we have to start financing the Catholic Church!

Have the "Polish" leftists really lost their minds?

The European Parliament has passed the so-called "migration pact", thanks to which "Eastern European" countries will have to take in millions of Muslim "refugees", which has just been confirmed by French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal (I think he agreed it with the president?) - we just made it happen (we managed to force it! ), that the countries of Eastern Europe have signed it, and they will be the first to be affected by this pact!

And the migration pact will come into force in 2026 - is that a long time?

By the way - we can console ourselves that before this reaches us, the Caliphate of Western Europe will be established - but is this any consolation?

To my American brothers - your "leftist bastard", also "boorish" (courts!), wants to get rid of candidate Trump - will you really allow it?

Ukraine is increasingly "barely breathing", but President Zelensky prefers to rely on Russian Germany, ignoring sacrificial Poland - really, does he "know what he is doing"?

We are returning to Poland, not afraid of anything - the motto is probably clear, and as for the title - Tusk's Russian reset, reset by Tusk's Russian reset, is a red reset of the reset - the Tusk-Russian reset rudeness has no limits!

And today Tusk announced - I am not an enemy of religion, I am a believer!

There is no need to even mention the starving Polish farmers in the Sejm - Tusk completely ignored them!

But Poles have common sense?

See you.


Bulletin, Poland, USA, President, Tusk, Muslim refugees, Caliphate of Western Europe, Ukraine, migration pact, American brothers, EC, rule of law, 8 Star Coalition, reset, Cross, LGBT.

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