
piątek, 7 czerwca 2024


/ poniżej wersja polska /


Truth is hate speech for those

Who have something to hide.

/Orwell? /


Last week I didn't feel like writing at all, so as penance I looked at the so-called Polish Song Festival in Opole, which was broadcast by neotvp under the banner of "re-connects" and turned out to be political trash! It's about SuperJedynki and Kabaret, my dedication didn't go any further, after all, are there any limits? It turned out to be a great review of PRL stars, for whom the ticket was to ignore the festival during 8 years of PiS murder and who once again confirmed the old bon mot - it doesn't matter how you start, what matters is how you finish! All these ladies with big tits on a stiff pole, pretending to be the proletariat from a unit closed in the arms square, with wolves at bedtime, announced by a fake highlander with a cake for dessert, have once again proven that they are worth "less than zero"! As for Kabaret, it was similar - a permanent set of well-coordinated cabaret artists for whom the collared clothes and rude anti-PiS jokes are the height of finesse, humor and good taste! All this moral anxiety of tiring young newbies at the K2 level of hypocrisy was as boring as guts and oil, and together with the salivating Kryszak, on top of that, it was indigestible as hell! A separate opinion for Zenon Laskowik, our legend, whom I met a long time ago when I applauded him on Masztalarska Street and whom I later almost ran over in front of my house when he rode under my wheels on a bicycle while wearing a postman's uniform. His performance was a total disaster, a complete disgrace and probably only what happened between those meetings (stroke?) can somehow explain it - I feel sorry for the guy! I am writing about this "Polish festival" only because it is clearly visible here that they are "equal and more equal", and those more equal are those for whom the slogan "jebaćpis" has become the motto of their lives and careers! A word to my American brothers - things are not better here, illegal refugees are flooding you from the south (in addition, the "drug of the century" is destroying you!), your courts are making fun of candidate Trump's democracy, brazenly trashing it, and President Biden, barely able to stand, joins the leftist ideology encourages – how much longer will you allow this? One could write and write about Donald Tusk's lies (a doctoral thesis is not enough!), but why? After all, it is clear to the lemmings that he is the most anti-Russian politician in our history, that even taking German marks (KLD!), or overthrowing Jan Olszewski's government (gentlemen, let's count the votes!), or giving Putin the Smolensk investigation (famous hugs!), or running away from the Prime Minister's stool to Merkel's stool, or acting as the head of the European Council or the German party there, or returning to the Polish Prime Minister's stool at the behest of "Beautiful Ursula", he always thought only about Polishness! And his "hundred promises for a hundred days", the vast majority of which have not been and will not be fulfilled, was a pre-election "fuck the bamboo" that none of the lemmings counted on, because for them only one thing is important - "we'll fuck it up". ! And the fact that in a moment the increase in all prices (food, fuel, cold and hot water, heating, electricity, gas, sewage!) will lead to an increase in rents by at least 50 percent (and certainly more!) is nothing - it is important that "piss rules"! And for retirees (for starters!), we will cut the age of fourteen by almost a thousand, because these old idiots (we focus on young people!) can still vote for PiS! And now Tusk poses as the "defender of Polish borders", completely forgetting how recently he trashed the "PiS dam" and its defenders (this PiS embankment will never be built!), sending his idiot MPs there (dumb, dumber and a bicycle drunk! ) and a bunch of celebrities (they're fucking dogs and murderers!) and says brazenly - we need to strengthen it! As idiot Siemoniak added - these will be artificial swamps (10 billion!) that will protect us - maybe even wolf pits and Rambo-style traps? And the fact that he was always in favor of the migration pact (as the "king of Europe" - Poland will have to pay for it, these are the regulations in the EU!) and is still in favor of it (Poland will be the beneficiary of the pact - that's why I recommended voting against it!), The lemmings don't mind either, because after all - what threat could it be to us to accept (in two years!) a million "Muslim refugees" a year?

But now Donald Tusk has outdone himself in the lie - on May 29, he stood in front of the "PiS wall" and said:

And the fact that in a moment the increase in all prices (food, fuel, cold and hot water, heating, electricity, gas, sewage!) will lead to an increase in rents by at least 50 percent (and certainly more!) is nothing - it is important that "piss rules"! And for retirees (for starters!), we will cut the age of fourteen by almost a thousand, because these old idiots (we focus on young people!) can still vote for PiS! And now Tusk poses as the "defender of Polish borders", completely forgetting how recently he trashed the "PiS dam" and its defenders (this PiS embankment will never be built!), sending his idiot MPs there (dumb, dumber and a bicycle drunk! ) and a bunch of celebrities (they're fucking dogs and murderers!) and says brazenly - we need to strengthen it! As idiot Siemoniak added - these will be artificial swamps (10 billion!) that will protect us - maybe even wolf pits and Rambo-style traps? And the fact that he was always in favor of the migration pact (as the "king of Europe" - Poland will have to pay for it, these are the regulations in the EU!) and is still in favor of it (Poland will be the beneficiary of the pact - that's why I recommended voting against it!), The lemmings don't mind either, because after all - what threat could it be to us to accept (in two years!) a million "Muslim refugees" a year? But now Donald Tusk has outdone himself in the lie - on May 29, he stood in front of the "PiS wall" and said: The Polish border must be protected, the objects of aggression are Polish soldiers, you have the full right, even the obligation, to use all methods available to you! And he said this knowing full well that on March 25 this year there was an "incident" on the border - a gang of "Muslim refugees" sent by Putin attacked Polish soldiers who were forced to "use weapons", i.e. they fired almost 50 warning shots (into the sky). and into the ground!), without injuring anyone, then the Border Guard notified the Military Police, and the Military Police detained several of our soldiers, put them in handcuffs and took them into custody in front of their comrades in arms, like ordinary bandits! And the illegal Bodnar prosecutor's office established a Team to investigate the behavior of Polish border defenders, because they allegedly posed a threat to poor Muslim refugees illegally crossing the Polish border, and these "warning shots" were fired by Polish soldiers in a situation "completely not threatening their health and life" ! So for over two months, the December 13 Coalition, headed by Tusk, knew about all this and remained silent - to call it "anti-Polish whoredom" is to say nothing! And it should be added that it was during Tusk's speech that further Polish soldiers were attacked, including one who was stabbed with a refugee knife (poisoned?), who just died - information about the attack was published the next day! And when we add that his condition was hopeless from the beginning and he was transported to Warsaw only to artificially keep him alive until the day "after the elections", one can only ask - what kind of people are these, this 8-Star Coalition? And now Donald Tusk, instead of apologizing to the soldiers, makes further platitudes about defending Polish soldiers and asks the President to dismiss the "PiS" prosecutor (because that is the law!), who was removed immediately after the illegal takeover of the Polish prosecutor's office by the "Butcher of Civil Rights" Bodnar. from management - the height of insolence! After all, when appointing and dismissing other prosecutors (or even ambassadors!), this "law" was not necessary? And one more "pebble in the dust bag" - according to data from the German Police, during the first quarter of this year, over 3,500 "Muslim refugees" who allegedly crossed the Polish-German border were "returned" to Poland (many of them say - I have never been to Poland! ), from the Polish side! "Tusk's Polish government" does not want to say anything about it, which is not surprising - German friends, and here are such numbers!

And yet 3.5 thousand per quarter is almost 15 thousand per year, with families of "at least 50" - and the migration pact is not working yet! And one more thing - local elections were held on April 7, 2024, almost 2 weeks after the above-mentioned "incident" - I wonder what the result would be if voters knew? And this - the 8 Star Coalition almost managed to hide this scandal before the upcoming European elections - will voters have time to sober up? Another interesting natural fact is that this whole nasty matter was revealed (by the way - no one else knew?), the anti-PiS "Polish Onet" - was some mysterious Wajchowy at work? It's weird as hell, but - we finally know! And what will we do with that? The next elections are on Sunday, like all the recent very important ones (PiS - look at the presidential elections!), and the choice belongs (apart from electoral fraud, and again "voting outside the place of residence" may break records!), from the voters, i.e. to us, ordinary Poles! I wonder if these "young, educated people from big cities" will be bought for "free pizza" again? Let me tell you one thing - there are no free lunches! What does every "voter from Jagodno" see today - there is no tram, there is no dormitory for PLN 1, there is no tax-free PLN 60,000, there is no fuel for PLN 5, there are no rent subsidies, there is no freeze on gas and electricity prices , there are no zero loans, no halved fees! But there is the "PO" pill, pensions for secret service officers, lower VAT for "nails and eyelashes", neglect of the "middle class" (ridiculous act!), annihilation of the Polish Constitution (EU law is superior!), acceptance of the "migration pact" ( mandatory solidarity!), depriving Poland of self-determination (changing the Treaties!) and the right to abortion on demand "right now" - is this what you fought for? The entry is quite long (do you only read text messages?), but - Poland is a big deal, you can't write "over the top" here! And I haven't touched on many issues here - but who would read ten pages today? Another election on Sunday, election silence soon! And Tusk says - let's do everything so that we don't wake up in a brown Europe, with an increasingly brown Poland - this professional liar (this man has never told a word of the truth in his life!) lies like crazy - but do Poles see it? Dear Poles, the matter is simple - for today, only voting for Law and Justice (list no. 7!) is a vote "for Poland"! Because voting for the Platform, still called Civic Platform, is putting another nail in our coffin, in the coffin of an independent, sovereign and self-determining Poland! And this could be "our last nail"! And we probably want Poland to continue to exist? The motto is clear, and as for the title - these elections are about "Poland being Poland"!

See you.


Bulletin, Tusk, Trump, American Brothers, Poland, EU, EC, Festival in Opole, elections, PiS, PO, list no. 7, Orwell, Coalition of 8 Stars.


Sorry, I wrote this on Friday before 8 p.m., but there is no electricity in my district and "experts are on their way" - is this "Tusk's Polishness" already.

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