
piątek, 11 października 2024


/ poniżej wersja polska /


Tusk's Poland

A German shell,

Poles' Poland

Not enough characters?

/ neighbor-poet /


In a few days it will be a year since the last elections in which Poles (although Law and Justice won!) gave power to the Coalition of Evil (Platform, still called Civic for fun, 3 Droga (false crybaby Hołownia and greedy, foolish Kosiniak-Kamysz!), New Left (PZPR painted in rainbow colors sick in green!), i.e. an anti-Polish coalition for which the pinnacle of dreams is to be the 25th state in Europe united under enlightened German leadership!

I wrote then that voters would like a Poland like this "PiS" one, but ruled by Tusk's camarilla - unfortunately, dear lemmings, that's impossible!

Because Donald Tusk, at the beginning of his career (taking bags of German marks!) declared that "Polishness is abnormality", and after the "victorious elections" he stated that he would apply the law "as he understands it", and then modestly added, that if necessary, he will break the law (what the hell, purists!), and expressed hope that no "external force" will have to intervene here!

The Platform has, however, made some contributions to the development of the Polish language - a new term "myrchać" has appeared, meaning to bend the law in such a way as to turn the vague program "family on your own" into the most specific benefits for your own!

The Platformalist herd of an MP and an MP – deputy minister of justice (they were beating PiS like a drum – how they steal!), are conquering the web with their soap opera (Tusk hasn't gone mad yet?) – we live in Toruń, we live in Warsaw, we don't live in Warsaw, for years we have been building a house near Warsaw, which we got from our parents a year ago, and which is dangerous for children, we don't know whose plot it is, what about tax returns, after all we are only in Warsaw for tax reasons (plus free nursery and kindergarten), I have a doctorate and a company limousine, but we are entitled to a mileage allowance (we drive 100 km a day!), because after all the house is near Warsaw, and a few coffee sets are a must and other such nonsense – and I will add that I would buy such a house for 700 thousand immediately!

And yet "myrchanie" is a small piece of Tusk's achievements - the practical disregard of all "PiS investments" (CPK, Odra, nuclear power!), the slow disintegration of our "champions" (State Treasury companies /we demand pay rises for us!/ - German buyers are waiting!), and important companies (Poczta Polska, PKP Cargo and a hundred others - German buyers are waiting!), the destruction of Polish education (the idiot ministers!), the destruction of Polish science (we are taking away PiS's scolding - the idiot minister!), the self-destruction of Polish students ("what the fuck" do we need tax breaks for?), the "minister" for civil society (who knows what that is and what it's for?), a certain Buczyńska is resigning, she will be replaced by Dupiarz's buddy (will Europe be closer now?), the reconstruction of the VAT mafia (what do we need these billions for - the idiot minister!), the destruction of the Polish health service (the idiot ministers!), the destruction of the Polish "climate" (ministers-idiots!), the destruction of Polish sport (minister-idiot!), the destruction of Polish foreign policy (minister-idiot!), the destruction of the Polish judiciary (minister-idiot!), what did I forget, sorry – maybe this will suffice?

And when we add that the poverty of flood victims is "almost squealing", and the Tusk government (the plenipotentiary "pogłos" Kierwiński!) is telling tales of aid in the spring, and winter is "just around the corner!" (I think again – "there is no money and there will be none"), while the ministry that should help the flood victims gives 17 million to the Nobel Prize winner Tokarczuk's foundation for a purpose that the donors themselves cannot understand, and "poor Kulczyk's" company receives 100 million for "replacing a boiler" (the flood victims' boilers and stoves can wait until spring!) - these are the "priorities of Tusk supporters" - are "fuck PiS supporters" still delighted?

And when we add Poland's current position in the EU (Tusk - nobody can beat me in the EU!), then we really don't know whether to laugh or cry - "under PiS" the matter was clear, the EC was bashing the government and freezing the money (Dumbass Trzaskowski - this money will be frozen until we come back to power!), and now, contrary to appearances, there are no changes - there are still no scoldings for Poland! What's more - "Beautiful Ursula", the head of the EC, has just announced - no more hundreds of projects, a few central ones will be created, and the condition will be simple - fulfilling our "equality policy" (LGBT and pardon, Q, and respecting the rule of law, including "fighting for refugee rights" and "green revolution" - this is the basis!), and whoever opposes, will not get the money - is that clear?

A word to the American Brothers - the lying and ridiculous Kamala continues to lie and laugh moronic, although she comes across as a complete idiot, but I am impressed, the democratic media continues to push her as the "savior of the USA", the only hope in the fight against the fascist Trump! However, Donald Trump is still holding strong, and voters in the "swinging states" seem to be leaning more and more towards Trump - and let it be so, because otherwise the slogan "God save America" ​​may turn out to be insufficient - and neither God nor America will be able to forgive each other for that! And a great interview by TV Republika with President Trump (vote for me, normality will return!) - bravo TVR, our compatriots in the USA are watching it!

Brother Americans - Hallelujah and forward!

We are returning to Poland, while it is still there!

The motto is probably clear - what other signs can Poles expect?

And as for the title - indeed, if we do not change the EU policy, Europe will become the "pariah of the continents" - not only the Americas, Asia or Australia, but even Africa is laughing at us - those because of the "green deal" (we will kill them economically!), those because of the "migration policy" (we will kill them with turnout!) - and Tusk's Poland is silent in the EU (his loud shouts in "this country" such as "we will stop illegal immigration" are "a joke and a photomontage", as they used to say in the Coalition of Evil of the Polish People's Republic!) - Poles, wake up!

Because such a "Tusek" Europe will only be useful to the Germans - is this the Poland we are fighting for?

A word to PiS - are you still waiting on the river bank for the bodies of your enemies to float down?

See you soon.


Bulletin, Poland, USA, Trump, Tusk, Harris, PiS, PO, Brother Americans, EU, EC, Ursula, Muslim refugees, Green Deal, Coalition of Evil, TV Republika, Kulczyk, Tokarczuk.

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