
piątek, 20 września 2024


/  poniżej wersja polska  / 


Tell Prime Minister Tusk that he is Great!

/some governor on the crisis staff/


Enlightened by the bold attack of Marshal Hołownia on the editor of Republika, I must make a confession – I have lived in this world for so many years, and it has never even occurred to me to build even one retention reservoir!

And as part of the "active regret" proposed by Minister Bodnar, I will add this – it is obvious that the current flood in southern Poland is the sole responsibility of Law and Justice!

Well, now I can write in peace.

Even for not very bright experts it is clear (for at least half a century!) that the active Low that forms over the Mediterranean Sea, which moves towards Poland and sweeps through the mountain ranges in the south of the country, brings huge amounts of rainfall and even has a habit of staying in the area for a few days, and once every dozen or so years it causes a real "end of the world"!

The European Union (Copernicus system!) has been warning about the threat of flooding in the region (Austria, Czech Republic, Poland) since September 10, and our IMWM provided a precise forecast on September 12, where it outlined the rainfall and state of rivers in the south-western area for the coming week on colored maps - and that's exactly what happened!

And Prime Minister Tusk not only on September 13 (Friday, maybe that's the culprit?) carelessly stated that there was no need to panic, because the forecasts "are not overly alarming", but a few days later on TVP in liquidation he confirmed it, brazenly adding - on September 13, no one was talking about floods!

It is known that in a few weeks he will claim that he never said anything like that (there are so many examples that there is no space!), considering Poles to be complete idiots – and all of this can be found on the Internet!

Because for him, the only important thing is "fighting democracy", thanks to which PiS wants to destroy – the fate of citizens is a piece of cake!

"Sorrel soup from Gosia" was also a hit, which the Prime Minister ate with relish (?) in the Wrocław Voivodeship Office, without a wedding ring on her finger, by the way – did Gosia send the soup by In-Post or a government helicopter?

And Tusk's statement that the Bundeswehr is coming to help us – if you see German uniforms, don't worry, this is help!

And the "hit of hits" – we contacted Jerzy Owsiak, the world's most outstanding expert in quick help! So the "sepsis man" (allegedly 100 million zlotys went to those PO billboards of the Orchestra before the elections – let's defeat this evil!) is supposed to coordinate the state action to help flood victims?

Really, really?

And yet it is equally "obviously obvious" that the actions of the Tusk government were late "from the beginning" by at least a week – at the latest from September 10, the threatened areas should have been guarded by at least 10 thousand soldiers from

Territorial Defense Forces (this is Macierewicz's private army, completely unnecessary - said today's rulers!), with tools, equipment and pea soup, retention reservoirs should be emptied to 10 percent of their capacity, local Fire Departments and Volunteer Fire Departments should be put on alert, and the Police and Gendarmerie should be ready to defend potentially flooded areas from thieves!

There is no point in even talking about the idiotic words of Tusk's "minister of disaster" that the government is preparing low-interest loans for flood victims, and later that for the Volunteer Fire Department - even Tusk got angry!

But he also added this - the Government's plenipotentiary for reconstruction after the flood is to be Marcin Kierwiński, former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (club-wielding protesting farmers, policemen throwing paving stones at protesters, drunken gibberish at the Guard ceremony, or the last statement - the government passed the test!) - God save the flood victims!

I won't say anything more about idiotic crisis management teams in the spotlight of cameras, but let's recall - during the speculations about the PO-PiS coalition (2005!), Donald Tusk, in addition to demanding the takeover of "force ministries", demanded "negotiations in the spotlight of cameras" - does that ring a bell?

And the sight of an unshaven and sweaty Donald Tusk, decisively overcoming the stubborn door in knee-deep sludge and triumphantly rushing into the flooded room would have been wonderful if not for the fact that a TVN camera was waiting for him there - an idiot's rounds?

Unfortunately, Tusk's "Polish government" that is the largest in history has several groups of true "differently intelligent" gems (although the dumb and the dumber went to the EP!), there is no room for all of them here, these will suffice - three Harpies in education, two in "health" and a few of mixed sex in "climate"! Today, about the latter (Ministry of Climate and Environment - ​Paulina Hennig-Kloska, Urszula Zielińska, Krzysztof Bolesta – they were the ones who liquidated the Nuclear Energy Team!), who got into the government after careers, Polish and foreign, in many leftist "non-governmental organizations" that were simply breeding grounds for eco-terrorist groups, and even acted as such themselves!

For example, during "social protests" (2019) in the area of ​today's disaster, where they mobilized the local electorate against the anti-Polish ideas of PiS, who dreamed of something terrible – the construction of 9 different types of retention reservoirs!

In the end, 4 were implemented, including the largest one, which saved not only Wrocław – it's scary to think what would have happened if it hadn't existed!

Poland was "forced" to visit the head of the European Commission, Ursula von, who even "with her own hand" touched the Wrocław embankments, and then presented her next embankment - the EU will allocate 10 billion euros to help flood victims! But it turns out that it is not for the victims at all, but for countries (several!) to rebuild infrastructure, and what is even better is that she did not give it at all, but "allowed" to issue these embarrassments for this purpose, which these countries have long since received - in Poland, these are the ones that Prime Minister Morawiecki "arranged"!

Can anyone still have doubts that Beautiful Ursula (an old, dried-out German broom - where did I read that?), has only one goal - to support her country in all activities in building the Fourth European Reich?

A word to our fellow Americans - we already have the second attempt on the candidate and former president Donald Trump! Words of gratitude (from both sides!) for the SS are nice, but – during the first attack, Trump was almost exposed to the attacker's shot (the locals notified the police – a guy with a long gun was walking on the roof – and nothing!), and during the second, although the SS agent noticed something (the barrel of an AK47 in the bushes?) and fired a few shots with a pistol (the perpetrator was finally caught!), one thing is certain – before the "action" no one checked the golf course where Donald Trump intended to play! Now we hear that "for security reasons" Donald Trump has canceled his visit to the American Częstochowa in Pennsylvania (SS - it's a huge area, it's hard to control security there!), where he was supposed to meet with our president Andrzej Duda. Dear Americans – in Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas there have been a lot of Poles for three generations, their votes may influence the outcome of the election! Kamala has already hit them, Trump can't ignore it – can you really not guarantee the safety of a candidate for President in the USA? After all, in addition to the dubious Secret Service, can private and citizen protection be organized? Really, dear Americans, do not waste the "Polish chance", because it can give you Victory! We are returning to Poland while it is still there!

Renaturalization is the restoration of the environment to a natural state, close to its original state. Such a project concerning the Odra River was submitted by the December 13 Coalition, and this is only the first step in this ambitious project. Following this line of thought, one can state without fear of making too great a mistake that the goal of this Coalition of Evil is to turn Poland into a "European open-air museum", in which the life of a protected bug is worth more than the life of a human (has anyone heard of the abortion of a beetle, when according to the "minister of health", abortion up to the 9th week of pregnancy "is

Following this line of thinking, one can state without fear of making too great a mistake that the goal of this Coalition of Evil is to turn Poland into a "European open-air museum", where the life of a protected worm is worth more than the life of a human (has anyone heard of the abortion of a beetle, when according to the "Minister of Health", abortion up to the 9th week of pregnancy of a "human being" is permissible for psychological reasons?), and returning to the "original state" is the height of dreams, supposed to protect us from "climate change" caused by humans? This is all so idiotic that it is hard to argue with it, without using offensive words! One can only hope that the majority of Poles will recognize all these frauds at the right time and show them the middle finger - is it really possible?

A word about our Iga at the end - she has just withdrawn from another tournament, where she will lose 1000 points, she justified it with "personal problems", which does not bode well - I will not write another word (Osaka!) - Iga, take care!

See you soon.


Bulletin, Poland, USA, Tusk, Trump, Iga, Brother Americans, Hołownia, retention reservoirs, climate defense, renaturalization, December 13 coalition, EC, Ursula won, IMGW, Owsiak, Kamala, IV Rzesza.

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